Vagant is a quarterly journal and online magazine, covering literature, art, film, music, ideas and contemporary debate.
First published in 1988, Vagant has published a variety of translated literary works, author interviews, book reviews and articles on philosophy, film and contemporary art.
Vagant aims to introduce new ideas and impulses to the Norwegian and Nordic cultural debate. Through thematic sections the magazine explores emerging cultural and ideological trends as well as current political issues.
The journal has its headquarter in Bergen, Norway, with the editorial members residing in Bergen, Berlin, Copenhagen, Leikanger, Oslo and Stockholm. Vagant is published with financial support from Bergen City Council, the Norwegian Arts Council, The Swedish Academy and The Fritt Ord Foundation.
Vagant is a member of Eurozine, a network for cultural journals.
Contact info
Audun Lindholm, editor-in-chief:
Address: Vagant, Haugeveien 33, NO-5005 Bergen, Norway.
Individual issues can be bought online and subscriptions can be purchased here.